Here's What Your Poop Says About You

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When you do your dumping business, do you do a quick appraisal before flushing? No? Well, you should. According to Genevieve of Mama Natural, your poop has a lot to say about you. Yep, gossip and all. To find out, all you gotta do is look. It tells what you ate/drank and how much, plus everything else going on inside you. Don't you ever wonder why Doctors request a sample of doodies? It means there's something you're probably not telling that those little (or huge perhaps? yeeesh!) gossip mongers will. Let's find out, shall we?

So You Think You Can Blog?

You want to blog, eh? Well, buckle up then. A number of people have asked me questions about blogging. In this post, I'll try to address those questions with what I have learnt so far as a blogger. Enjoy!